My Little Friends
- Starring
- Genres
- Subtitles
- Audio Languages
- -
- Action
- -
- Hindi

Episodes 13

2. MLF l My Little Friends Intro Trailer
- Mins
- all age
- Subtitles
- Audio Languages
- -
- Hindi
In 1st Episode, Pari, Dragu, Dr. Dev, Supremo his sidekicks Huddy & Buddy are introduced along with the theme and concept of Storyline.

3. MLF l My Little Friends - Trailer 02
- Mins
- all age
- Subtitles
- Audio Languages
- -
- Hindi
In this Episode, Dr. Dev is kidnapped by Supremo's sidekicks Huddy & Buddy despite Dragu's efforts to save him. In the Den, Supremo Brainwashes Dr. Dev and facilitates Dr. Dev's transformation into Deva.

4. MLF l My Little Friends - Trailer 03
- Mins
- all age
- Subtitles
- Audio Languages
- -
- Hindi
In this Episode, Deva Develops deadly crow force by following Supremo's orders to create havoc in mankind. Pari converts into Super Girl with the help of her tech savvy friends Rozy and Mitu to thwart the threat by riding her fire Spitting dragon and flashing magical sword.

5. MLF l My Little Friends - Trailer 04
- Mins
- all age
- Subtitles
- Audio Languages
- -
- Hindi
In this Episode, Deva Develops deadly Aadimanav by following Supremo's orders to create havoc in mankind. Pari converts into Super Girl with the help of her tech savvy friends Rozy and Mitu to thwart the threat by riding her fire Spitting dragon and flashing magical sword.

6. MLF l My Little Friends - Trailer 05
- Mins
- all age
- Subtitles
- Audio Languages
- -
- Hindi
In this Episode, Deva Creates deadly Vish Manav l Snake Man by following Supremo's orders to create havoc in mankind. Pari converts into Super Girl with the help of her tech savvy friends Rozy and Mitu to thwart the threat by riding her fire Spitting dragon and flashing magical sword.

7. MLF l My Little Friends - Trailer 06
- Mins
- all age
- Subtitles
- Audio Languages
- -
- Hindi
In this Episode, Dragu is kidnapped by Huddy and Buddy on Supremo's orders to teach Pari a lesson and create havoc in mankind. Pari converts into Super Girl with the help of her tech-savvy friends Rozy and Mitu to thwart the threat by riding her fire Spitting dragon and flashing magical sword.

8. MLF l My Little Friends - Trailer 07
- Mins
- all age
- Subtitles
- Audio Languages
- -
- Hindi
In 7th Episode, Dr. Deva creates Dragu's multiple clones on Supremo's orders to teach Pari a lesson and create havoc in mankind. Pari converts into Super Girl with the help of her tech-savvy friends Rozy and Mitu to thwart the threat by riding her fire Spitting dragon and flashing magical sword.

9. MLF l My Little Friends - Trailer 08
- Mins
- all age
- Subtitles
- Audio Languages
- -
- Hindi
In this Episode, Dr. Deva brings out Dangerous Comic Villain "Dango" out of the Comic Book with the help of Huddy and Buddy. Can Pari and Dragu thwart this threat with the help of Rozy and Mitu?

10. MLF l My Little Friends Chameleon Man - Trailer 09
- Mins
- all age
- Subtitles
- Audio Languages
- -
- Hindi

11. MLF l My Little Friends - Fake Currency - Trailer 10
- Mins
- all age
- Subtitles
- Audio Languages
- -
- Hindi

12. MLF l My Little Friends - Prism Rain - Trailer 11
- Mins
- all age
- Subtitles
- Audio Languages
- -
- Hindi

13. MLF l My Little Friends - CD Formula - Trailer 12
- Mins
- all age
- Subtitles
- Audio Languages
- -
- Hindi